Interface AccessContractValidator

All Superinterfaces:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface AccessContractValidator extends GenericContractValidator<AccessContractModel>
Used to validate contracts (any class that extends AbstractContractModel) and to apply acceptance rules. Bellow the example of usage :
 private static GenericContractValidator checkDuplicateInDatabaseValidator() {
    return (contract, contractName) -> {
        GenericRejectionCause rejection = null;
        boolean exist = ... exists in database?;
        if (exist) {
           rejection = GenericRejectionCause.rejectDuplicatedInDatabase(contractName);
        return (rejection == null) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(rejection);
The call the method like this to validate the contract c: GenericRejectionCause rejection = checkDuplicateInDatabaseValidator().validate(c, c.getName()); Check if rejection is present then do the resolution