Class TraceabilityFile

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TraceabilityFile extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Used to handle zip file for traceability
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TraceabilityFile

      public TraceabilityFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException
      file - the targeted file to store tmp zip file
      FileNotFoundException - if the given file is missing
      org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException - if any error occurs while creating ZipArchiveOutputStram
  • Method Details

    • storeMerkleTree

      public void storeMerkleTree(MerkleTree merkleTree) throws IOException
      Add a merkleTree file with the computed merkleTree in the zipFile
      merkleTree - the tree that should be store in zip
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • storeTimeStampToken

      public void storeTimeStampToken(byte[] timestampToken) throws IOException
      Add a timestampToken file with the computed token of the traceability operation in the zipFile
      timestampToken - of the traceability operation
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • initStoreLog

      public void initStoreLog() throws IOException
      Create a new file for extracted data.
      Should be directly followed by one or multiple storeLog
      Must be close with closeStoreLog
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • storeLog

      public void storeLog(byte[] line) throws IOException
      Add a line of extracted data in the recently created file.
      Must be directly preceded by a call of initStoreLog or storeLog
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • closeStoreLog

      public void closeStoreLog() throws IOException
      Close the extracted data file
      IOException - if error on closing stream
    • storeAdditionalInformation

      public void storeAdditionalInformation(long numberOfLine, String startDate, String endDate) throws IOException
      Add an additionalInformation file with the given data in the zipFile
      numberOfLine - of the extracted data secured by the traceability process
      startDate - of the traceability process
      endDate - of the traceability process
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • storeComputedInformation

      public void storeComputedInformation(String currentHash, String previousHash, String currentHashMinusOneMonth, String currentHashMinusOneYear) throws IOException
      Add an computedInformation file with the traceability data in the zipFile
      currentHash - hash of the new merkleTree root
      previousHash - hash of the last traceability operation merkleTree root
      currentHashMinusOneMonth - hash of the (Month - 1) traceability operation merkleTree root
      currentHashMinusOneYear - hash of the (Year - 1) traceability operation merkleTree root
      IOException - if any error occurs while attempting to write in zip
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      flush the stream and close it.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      IOException - if error on closing stream